You can browse on our website and add items to your basket without creating an account and can place the order with guest checkout. But creating a member account will provide you the following benefits:

  • Making Shopping process easier
  • Save delivery addresses
  • View all previous orders from your account
  • Check your order status before it’s shipped

Click on ‘Forgot Your Password’ available at the login/sign-up page. Enter your email address and click on the ‘Reset Password’. A set of instructions will be sent to your registered email to reset your password. After your credentials have been verified, you will be able to create a new password.

The first log in and click on ‘My Account’. You will be able to edit/update your particulars in your account and save them for future orders. You can also update your password from there.

Yes, you can cancel or change your order at the same time as you are still browsing and shopping, simply remove it and/or update from ‘Shopping Cart’.

But once your order has been confirmed, however, you can't change or cancel it prior to dispatch. In this instance, the order will be sent to you and then if required you will have to return it. Please refer to our Returns Policy if you require further information.

WILD BUNNIE reserves the right of cancelling your order for the reasons including, unavailability of stock, decline in payment, inaccuracy of pricing or in case of any technical glitch with our website.

 At Wild Bunnie, we have the following payment options:
  • Cash On Delivery (Only in Pakistan)
  • Bank Transfer*
*Payment proof is required, (you can send screenshot of your online payment through e-mail or WhatsApp on our Customer Care Number)

We provide same-day delivery in Lahore for orders confirmed by 12 p.m. Our estimated delivery time across Pakistan is 3 to 5 working days.

Our courier makes two delivery attempts at the address you provided. Please ensure the address and postal code are clearly mentioned when placing your order. If the second attempt fails, the item will be returned to the WILD BUNNIE's head office.

After dispatch, you will be provided a tracking number for your order through email. You can check your order status on the courier's website by entering your tracking number.

We do not currently have the facility to advise when a specific item is back in stock. However, recommend you check back on our website!

We have size charts available for products on our website for your assistance & you can also drop us a message on our Whatsapp number with your desired articles code and size. Our Customer support team will provide you with size details of your desired article.

After successfully placing your order, you will see your order number on the screen and you will receive an email at the email address provided. You will also receive a confirmation call and Whatsapp message to confirm your placed order.

Actual colors may slightly vary. We work hard to make our photos look as real as possible, but there might be slight differences because of  device screens.

WILD BUNNIE does not offer gift cards yet.

If a paid order is canceled before delivery for any reason by the company, we will issue the amount as an e-store coupon, which can be used online within 1 month OR refund the amount to your bank account. The refund may take 7-15 business days to process.